digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Abstrak - Jessy Patricia
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Laboratorium Dinamika LPIT ITB has been performing accelerometer calibration for industry to check the accuracy of sensitivity and frequency range of the sensor. This calibration consists of linearity and frequency response test. Currently, these accelerometer calibration is performed manually by operators, which consumed a large amount of time. Recognizing these inefficiencies of manual accelerometer calibration, this bachelor thesis aims to develop an automated accelerometer calibration program that significantly reduce the consumed time required for calibration. This automation program was developed by first doing manual calibration to identify which parts needed to be automated. The manual calibration requires the operator to control the generated signal from signal generator, read the signal amplitude, record the data, and process the data. These processes consumed a large amount of time. Generally, the total time required to perform the calibration is 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the operator skills. After understanding the manual calibration, the next step is to select the appropriate NI (National Instrument) for the calibration needs. Afterward, an automated calibration program is designed using LabVIEW software. Based on the identification from the manual calibration, the program is designed to be able to generate and acquire signal, record the data, and process the data. Additionaly, this program is designed to present the calibration results in the form of a certificate. To validate the accuracy of the automated program, manual calibration is performed again to be serve as a reference. Based on the testing results and the comparison between manual and automated calibration, it can be concluded that the accelerometer calibration automation program has been successfully developed. The sensitivity result of the calibrated accelerometer obtained from automated calibration has an error of 0.04% relative to the manual calibration. As for the frequency response test, it produce the same result both from manual and automated calibration. In contrast to the manual calibration, automated calibration only consumed 30 seconds for each acceleration amplitude and 30 seconds for each frequency.