digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Indonesia aims to achieve ambitious production targets of 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 12 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD) by 2030. Achieving these targets is particularly challenging in managing mature oil fields, where declining reservoir pressure, diminished natural drive mechanisms, and increased water cut in production hinder conventional production methods. This necessitates the exploration of advanced techniques such as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). Among these methods, chemical flooding is at the forefront of technological advancements. Chemical flooding involves the injection of polymers, surfactants, or alkalis into the reservoir to alter fluid properties, improve sweep efficiency, and displace residual oil trapped within pore spaces. This study conducts a comparative analysis to evaluate the development scenario of seven-spot pattern sizes of 72 acres, 24 acres, 18 acres, and 4.5 acres in chemical flooding projects based on reservoir properties in field X. This study is conducted using CMG-STARS to simulate the reservoir. The analysis is based on identifying the optimal recovery factor and economic aspects in different seven-spot pattern size scenarios for the chemical flooding model. From several simulation scenarios, it was determined that implementing the 4.5-acre inverted seven-spot pattern resulted in the highest recovery factor of 68.82%, with a cumulative oil production of 1.6 million barrels, achieving a 12.2% gain in recovery factor due to the chemical injection. However, from an economic perspective, the 18-acre inverted seven-spot scenario yielded the highest profit, nearing $110 million, while other cases ranging from $50 million to $106 million.