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Abstrak - Arivial Shidqi Hamid
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Electricity has become an indispensable part of the present-day society’s day-to-day operation. Industrial machines, hospital equipment and household appliances are some of the most common examples of the modern utilization of electricity. With the exception of solar, most power generation methods that utilize renewable energy still abide by similar principles to fossil-fuel based process – a turbine connected to a generator that needs to be driven to produce electricity. The purpose of the final project are analyze the static stress experienced by the piping system using Autopipe software referencing the ASME B31.1 code, identify code failures in the design compared to the ASME B31.1 code, and modify the design so that it complies with the requirements set by ASME B31.1 code. In carrying out the final project, the author made a series of observations of a pre-existing piping system design for analysis purposes. In data processing, Autopipe software is used as a tool for final project work. The results showed that the main areas that experience the code failure include the vertical runs leading into and out of the separator, comprising of points C01 through 7 and points E08 through 17, respectively. Code failure is also observed at the branching tee denoted as C17, C21 and G07. The analysis also show the design modifications that need to be made to remedy the failures, namely the replacement of supports leading to the vertical run from guide to constant springs, the addition of an expansion loop after the S-bend, and the increase of thickness for the pipe run of the wellhead.