digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Abstrak - Yuman Satriyadi
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

The Indonesian Air Transport Network (IATN) is a crucial and complex system involving numerous industry players such as airports and airlines. The IATN faces several challenges, including airport closures, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and epidemics, which can disrupt its operations. Understanding and investigating the resilience of this system is vital. Therefore, an analysis of IATN resilience is essential to provide a comprehensive overview of how the network can withstand various disruptions. The objective of this research is to analyze and investigate the resilience of the IATN, assess the impact of resilience on the network, and identify critical airports within the IATN. A complex network approach focusing on topological metrics was used in this study. The metrics used to determine vulnerability values include average path length (????), topological sensitivity (?????1), network diameter (????), average reachability (????), and the size of giant component (S). The IATN resilience analysis reveals a drastic decline in network efficiency when 3-5 nodes are removed, according to both degree centrality rank and betweenness centrality rank. Additionally, in the edge failure analysis, there is a significant decrease in efficiency metrics by up to 25% when 400 edges are removed. From the affordability perspective, there is a 25% decrease when 270 edges are removed. Based on vulnerability scores, six airports UPG, CGK, KOE, KNO, BPN, and DJJ were identified as having the highest vulnerability. The analysis revealed that the removal of major airports such as CGK, UPG, KOE, and KNO leads to significant changes in various vulnerability metrics. The removal of these airports substantially impacts network efficiency, coverage, and connectivity. It is hoped that this research can provide an overview of which airports require better security measures to maintain the resilience of air transportation in Indonesia.