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ABSTRAK Ariq Bagastya Risa
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

The hand is by far one of the most important limbs as it acts as the primary tool for humans to move and interact with objects. However, this isn’t always the case as some might have setbacks in being able to properly use their hands. A few might have even had one or both of their hands removed for various reasons. Bionic hand prosthetics help hand amputees to either partially or fully regain the functions that were lost with their biological hands. The biomechanics research group of FMAE ITB is currently researching bionic hands and have been developing several prototypes since 2017. The most recent variant of these hands is the transradial underactuated bionic hand which was developed with the intent to drastically lower costs of bionic hands without sacrificing functionality. It does so by using only two actuators and a mechanical transmission system. It is currently in its infant stages and still has room for improvements. The objective of this project is the redesign of the previous underactuated bionic hand prototype to improve on what it is currently lacking in and eventually the manufacture a new one with these design improvements. The writer will undergo research and evaluations of the previous prototype’s design before implementing these improvements to a new one.