digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

BAB 1 Siti Atika Nurfajarini
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 2 Siti Atika Nurfajarini
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 3 Siti Atika Nurfajarini
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 4 Siti Atika Nurfajarini
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

BAB 5 Siti Atika Nurfajarini
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

PUSTAKA Siti Atika Nurfajarini
PUBLIC Roosalina Vanina Viyazza

Indonesia's bakery trend is growing, along with income growth and urbanization. Packaging and baking are promising business ideas. 249 shop needs F&B street vendors and stalls. 249 retailers want cafe and bakery partners. Since meeting and hanging out are changing. 249 store are more customer-focused at street vendors, cafes, and local bakeries. Faced with a number of warehouse issues, such as late product delivery to customers, long search times for goods in the warehouse because their positions are not updated, changes to their specifications not being followed by the process of reattaching their tickets, inaccurate data recording, and infrequent updates to their locations. This evidence damages warehouse management's reputation and undermines customer confidence. This paper proposed a suggestion to 249 store to improve the quality of their warehouse management systems by implementing an information technology approach, namely the barcode system. The proposed solution includes the implementation of barcodes, with a detailed explanation and design of the barcode format that will be used through optimization of features in 1-dimensional barcode format to provide additional insight relating to integrated barcode system solutions for the warehouse. Research shows that the implementation of barcode solutions can positively affect operational activities.