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ABSTRAK Fattaya Alyatuzzahra
PUBLIC yana mulyana

Diarrhea is the second leading cause of death in children under five years around the world with dehydration as the most severe symptom which causes the loss of important fluids from the body through liquid stools. One way to prevent is to apply the principles of Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), but there are still several areas in Bandung City that have not implemented PHBS optimally, one of them is Bandung Wetan District. In this district, Tamansari Ward is the ward with the lowest percentage of PHBS and is also not yet an Open Defecation Free (ODF) environment, therefore knowledge about diarrhea in toddlers is needed by parents and guardians of children in Tamansari Ward who are registered at Tamansari Public Health Center. This research was a preexperimental study with a one-group pre–test and post–test design using questionnaires and tools in the form of flipcharts and leaflets for 173 respondents. Data sampling was conducted in January – April 2023. The results stated that 47.40% of parents and child’s guardians had poor knowledge about diarrhea in toddlers and the sociodemographic factor that influenced their knowledge was the toddler's gender (p = 0.029) which respondents with male toddlers tend to have better knowledge. Giving education significantly increased the knowledge of parents and guardians of children on diarrhea in toddlers (p < 0,001).