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ABSTRAK I Gusti Ayu Shintya Muliarta
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Indonesia has been independently making an effort in developing our own technology and infrastructure for high-speed train. To design a new railway bogie, a comprehensive analysis followed by a series of testing is required. One of the processes to ensure smooth operation is by evaluating the wheel-to-rail contact mechanics and dynamics of the railway vehicles themselves using a roller rig. The objective of this study is to detect forces occurring on the contact points using strain gauges on the rollers. It aims to provide preliminary data for future analysis of the wheel-rail interaction using a 1:5 scaled roller rig. This study consists of redesigning the roller's thickness or even the design itself, such as the addition of holes on the roller body, which will be modelled utilizing Solidworks software. Consequently, this change should still maintain and preserve the strength of the roller so the study can be conducted without any inaccuracies in the simulation. ANSYS software will be used to construct the roller finite element model and conduct the load simulation. The optimal positions of the sensors will also be determined using the load simulation results from bogie frame and wheelset to the roller which then allows generation of various strain readings. In this final project, strain characteristics of the roller in the 1:5 scaled roller rig will be analysed by previously determining the best design of the roller to conduct force measurement, the optimal strain measuring points and the configuration of strain gauges as sensors in the wheatstone bridge positioned on the roller.