Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Profuse and synchronized flowering is a prerequisite
for breeding crop plants. Sugarcane, known for its
highly variable flowering behavior, requires specific photoperiodic
regimes. Repeated experiments in photoperiodic
chamber (for 3 years) and field trials (for 2 years) were
attempted to standardize the physiological interventions
required for induction of flowering as well as its synchronization.
Flowering was induced in 36 out of 46 clones
treated in the photoperiodic chamber with two sets of
treatments, commencing with a photoperiod of either 12 h
45 min or 12 h 55 min, followed by declining day length at
the rate of 60 s day-1 for 85 and 75 cycles, respectively.
Histological studies indicated conversion of vegetative to
reproductive bud due to photoperiodic treatments, while
temperature was a determining factor for panicle emergence
or reversion to vegetative state. In the field trials,
night interruption (with lighting for a period of 30 days)
followed by post-inductive constant photoperiod of 12 h
40 min delayed flowering by a minimum of 4 days up to
39 days. These experiments confirmed that sugarcane
flowering may be manipulated through photoperiodic
treatments for the successful hybridization of desired parental
clones in breeding programs.