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COVER Irwan Iskandar
PUBLIC Resti Andriani

PUBLIC Resti Andriani

roundwater mining is a phenomenon that mostly happend in a dense urban or industrial areas where groundwater abstraction is very excessive. It is usually signed by a contiuous decline of the groundwaJer level from year to year. It is caused by the exploitation of groundwater which exceeding the natural capacity of the aquifers storage. In this case, there is an imbalance between the discharge rate compare to the groundwater recharge. This paper discusses the potential of groundwater mining in the industrial area, in Cidahu area, Sulr.abumi District, West Java Province, Indonesia, where industries are pumping groundwater extensively. To predict the groundwater balance in the area, numerical modeling using finite difference method was applied Subsurface configuration model of the aquifer and aquitard or hydrostratigraphy was constructed using borehole data from wells and vertical electric sounding. Groundwater obsevation data in 2012 was used to calibrate the numerical modeling results. If groundwater abstraction remains as the current conditions 70,000 m3!day, the model showed that there is a potential of groundwater mining in the area/or the next 10 years. The groundwater level in Cidahu area will decrease by JO meters within a radius of 500 meters from the central area of the groundwater abtraction.