Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Increasing pore pressure due to CO2 injection can lead to stress and strain changes of the reservoir.
One of the safely standards for long term CO2 storage is whether stress and strain changes caused
by CO2 injection will lead to irreversible mechanical damages of the reservoir and impact the
integrity of caprock which could lead to CO2 leakage through previously sealing structures. Leakage
from storage will compromise both the storage capacity and the perceived security of the project,
therefore, a successful CO2 storage project requires large volumes of CO2 to be injected into storage
site in a reliable and secure manner. Yougou hydrocarbon field located in Orods basin was chosen as
storage site based on it's stable geological structure and low leakage risks. In this paper, we present
a fluid pressure and stress-strain variations analysis for CO2 geological storage based on a
geomechanical-fluid coupling model. Using nonlinear elasticity theory to describe the geomechanical part of the model, while using the Darcy's law to describe the fluid flow. Two parts are
coupled together using the poroelasticity theory. The objectives of our work were: 1) evaluation of
the geomechanical response of the reservoir to different CO2 injection scenarios. 2) assessment of
the potential leakage risk of the reservoir caused by CO2 injection.