Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Indonesia is one of the world's largest geothermal resources; hypothetically, 23,965 MWe potential resources have
a considerable potential to achieve the 23% target of renewable energy by 2025. Geothermal, with its significant
potential, is expected to contribute to achieving that target.
Geothermal project phases involve the feasibility study of the field soon to be developed both technically and
economically analyzed and estimated for the future project of the geothermal field. In this study, a technoeconomic
study was conducted on X Geothermal Field with estimating reserves of the field using Monte Carlo
simulation, and an economic model built appropriately based on scheduling on developing the geothermal field.
Reserves were calculated using the volumetric method of heat stored in the reservoirs using data based on the
previous study conducted and general assumption data, resulting low ectimate of 197.8 MW, moderate of 277.4
MW, and high estimate 374.8 MW of reserves.
In the economic aspect, a feasibility study was conducted for three scenarios of probability reserves. Economic
calculation is analyzed through the economic indicator; IRR, NPV, and payout time of the project. The three
development scenarios are resulting the positive value of IRR and NPV with reasonable payout time. This
concludes that X Field Geothermal is a promising field to be developed with further study and analysis to confirm
the result of this study.