digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

The product of this final project research is a Tkinter© user interface, that displays the result of production data processing from time monitoring system simulation through robot simulator. The purpose of this research is to reduce operators’ workload on field inspection, instead they will only pay attention on the Tkinter© window. In fact, most of small and some of middle manufacturing industry are even still using conventional or manual production time monitoring, whereas time monitoring is the most important action in order to decide whether the production cycle is efficient or inefficient based on time loss. Besides, field implementation of new monitoring system will take a huge down time due to trial and error in field operation. Regarding on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) theory developed by Nakajima in 1971, where the maintenance planning could be evaluated in more efficient way by knowing the Six Big Losses category. In this research, the production time monitoring is done through an offline-programming simulator, RoboDK©. RoboDK© simulates the monitoring system by applying sensors to monitor the time loss data. Those data are directly sent into MySQL© database table and evaluated in computation data processing through Tkinter© user interface function algorithm afterwards. Therefore, inefficiency of production system can be eliminated faster.