The flight control system is an important system for aircraft. Various technologies were developed to increase reliability and reduce the weight of this system. In this research, the feasibility of the application of wireless technology to the flight control system will be studied. As a study case, application of the wireless flight control system to AE301 will be elaborated. The AE301, is a hypothetical twin turboprop airplane. The aircraft is originally designed with a fly-by-wire flight control as the primary system, and a mechanical flight control as the back-up system.
The design of wireless technology for the AE301 aircraft was carried out by referring to CASR 25 amendment 6 as a certification basis, SAE ARP4754(A) as the system design process, and SAE ARP4761 as system safety guideline. The wireless flight control system replaces data transmission media with wireless module transceiver. The wireless module transceiver transmits the signal from flight control computer to actuator or sensor by an antenna through the air.
The work is started by defining requirements for the wireless flight control system. Then, the preliminary design is conducted by creating an architecture and description for aileron, elevator, and rudder control systems. the system that refer to AE301 existing systems. Further, a preliminary system assessment is carried out to determine whether the system meets the requirements. Iteration process needs to be done if the system does not meet the regulations. The result of the safety assessment shows that the reliability of the wireless flight control system of the AE301 airplane reach the required level of safety. However, the required level of safety can only be obtained if the reliability of the components such as Command Transducer Module (CTM), Flight Control Computer (FCC), Wireless Module Transceiver (WMT), and Electrical Control Hydraulically Powered (ECHP) Actuator are increased.
In addition, from analysis, it is shown that the weight this aircraft will be reduced by 1,12% with this system. There is also a potential reduction in the number of access panels to maintain the system, which in turn might reduce the weight even further.