This particular work of thesis stresses upon the dependence of the airport capacity upon the aircraft type and the associated delay attached to it. It differentiates between the expected time of arrival or departure from the actual time of arrival or departure. A model based on seven airports and their geographical location is created to symbolise the near real time scenario based simulation and provide us the average time of arrivals and departure using the predefined schedule and the delay attached to each leg based on the standard deviation calculation. Stochastic approach to associated delay with each flight has been used in line with Monte Carlo simulation to get variable delay data which converges to a mean delay.
There are two models that are discussed in this report one model is basically the Sim Events approach and the other is the logic based approach. In this thesis report you will see how variations in each data fed to the Simulink Block System will produce variations in the results and the results will be discussed in the second last chapter. The scenario based analysis and the case studies will also add and explanation stretch to the study.