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BAB 2 Nadia Gitta Hadisoebroto
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 3 Nadia Gitta Hadisoebroto
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 4 Nadia Gitta Hadisoebroto
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

As cities continue to grow, including roads and transportation systems since mobility demand increases, safety has become more and more important considering that it is followed by a higher number of vehicle accidents. In the aerospace and automotive industry, crashworthy structures have a critical role in maintaining the safety of passengers. Trying to achieve a better crashworthy structure has led many researchers to perform not only experimental but also numerical analysis of this structure. Thus, hybrid aluminium-composite structure is investigated since it has been proven to have higher energy absorption but it is quite challenging to understand its characteristic behavior. In this research, numerical analysis of hybrid aluminium-composite thin-walled structure under axial crushing is conducted by performing parametric studies. Those parameters include observing and understanding the effect of triggering mechanism, various composite’s orientation layer, and crushing speed in the crush performance of the structure. The numerical modeling is done using LS-DYNA software. Other parametric studies from MAT 54 material card and Automatic Surface to Surface Tiebreak contact card are also done to better understand the influence of those parameters in the simulation. The thin-walled structure is an aluminium square tube that is reinforced with e-glass fiber/epoxy. The results are validated by comparing crush performance in term of initial crushing force, mean crushing force, and energy absorption with the available experimental data. The simulation results show that the error of mean crushing force in the baseline model is under 10% while both initial crushing force and energy absorption are less than 5%. Parametric studies show that higher impactor’s velocity results in higher mean crushing force. Triggering mechanism is found to have only significant effect on the peak force. For one-layer overwrap, fiber orientation at [0°/90°] ply gives the highest mean crushing force and energy absorption. The hybrid tube with two-layer overwrap has higher SEA than the hybrid tube with one-layer overwrap while the CFE decreases. From this research, it can be concluded that hybrid tube increases mean crushing force around 27%-30%, depending on the composite’s layer orientation.