digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

The result of measuring time lapse microgravity anomaly on a surface in a geothermal field is the result of accumulation of density change which occurs in the reservoir in form of production and injection fluid into the reservoir and the change that occurs near surface in form of topography change, that is subsidence or up lift and the depth of surface ground water. To know the response of time lapse microgravity anomaly that is reliable in a geothermal field, then this research include the modelling of change of reservoir and the change of effect near surface. By assuming some parameter of physic, we got the result of time lapse microgravity anomaly response of sampling is about -91.694 μGal. The final result from the value of time lapse microgravity anomaly after correcting topography and correcting the change of the depth of surface ground water, then we resulted the anomaly is about -18.288 μGal to -99.829 μGal.