Telkomsel is one of the largest telecommunication company in Indonesia which provides a wide range of services to its customers. Telkomsel Flash as one of Telkomsel's flagship products, is a product that offers internet services and have a large market share in Indonesia, competing with Indosat and Smartfren with a total market share of 77.5%. Indonesia is the 5th
biggest Twitter social media users in the world with 19.5 million users. The purpose of this study is to measure brand loyalty of customers who feel a disatisfaction in experiencing Telkomsel Flash product.
Telkomsel Flash product price comparison with other brands is one of the basis in conducting the research. Theories related are important to increase the understanding and completing the final project. There are basic understanding of the brand, brand equity, brand loyalty, social media, content analysis, and public relations. and are research helping tools in analyzing social media content other than using
The methodology contains of three parts: research motive, research framework and Determining sampling method. Research motive explains about the author motivation in choosing the topic. Research framework discusses the flow of data collection from keyword
searching until the content analysis. Method of determining sampling contains techniques for determining the amount of population and sampling methods. This type of sampling is purposive sampling, so Slovin Theory is used in determining the number of samples.
There are 4 parts presented in data analysis. The first part is about the list of complaints of the respondents that were not satisfied when experiencing Telkomsel Flash. The second part discusses factors that influence the respondents to choose or buy Telkomsel Flash. The third part discusses the tendency of respondents that were not satisfied to switch brands. The fourth part discusses the factors that make the respondent decided not to switch brands. Wide coverage and signal stability and connection speed are being the biggest factor of the
respondents in choosing Telkomsel Flash with 51%. However, 63% of respondents complaints are about signal stability and connection speed. In general, the tendency of respondents to switch brands is 52% and 48% decided not to switch brands, of which 50% of respondents who decided to switch from the brand come from the dominant factor in choosing products Telkomsel Flash. A total of 55% of the respondents who decided not to switch brands believed Telkomsel Flash still provides the best signal stability and respondent's tolerance.