Renewable energy is an alternative energy to replace fossil fuel. One example of renewable energy is marine current which can produce electricity by using marine current turbine. This study is conducted to create marine current probabilities map for feasibility study of micro-scale marine current turbine in Pramuka, Karya, Panggang, and Semak Daun Islands. This turbine needs current speed that exceeds 0.3 m/s to move the rotor.
This map is made by using marine current speed data for a year. The marine current speed data are obtained by a hydrodynamic model. This model represents natural ocean phenomena, such as marine current, wave, and surface elevation. Based on tidal and current verification one can decide whether a hydrodynamic model is good enough. Statistical processing was done to produce probability value of marine current that exceeds 0.3 m/s from the extracted marine current data based on the hydrodynamic model. The probability value will be used in map making.
The result of this study is marine current probability map which shows the accumulative duration of one particular marine current speed. The duration of current speeds that exceed 0.3 m/s is around 14-18 days in a year. Thus, installing marine current turbine in the study area is not effective.