digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

In order to investigate the insect‟s flight, The laboratory of aerogasdynamics in Institut Teknologi Bandung developed particle image velocimetry (PIV) system. Unfortunately, because of low laser power used in the PIV system, the investigation of insect‟s flight done by using the PIV system is limited to low velocity investigation only. Thus, another experimental method called particle streak velocimetry (PSV) is needed to overcome PIV‟s limitation. However, PSV has never been developed before in the laboratory of aerogasdynamics. So, the development of PSV system is required. To develop PSV system for the laboratory of aerogasdynamics, an algorithm, called SLiDE algorithm, is developed in this present work. The SLiDE algorithm is developed to obtain a full-field displacement vector from the image of streaking lines obtained from PSV experiment. Then, SLiDE code is written in MATLAB function m-files based on SLiDE algorithm. After SLiDE code is created, it is validated qualitatively and quantitatively. From the qualitative validation, it was found that SLiDE code is capable of recognizing each streaking lines, matching the streak lines with the defined streak pattern, interpreting the vector‟s direction from each pair of streaking lines, and interpolating vectors into the defined grid. From the quantitative validation, it was found that SLiDE code produce more error when processing an image of streaking lines without streak pattern.