digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Suzuki Swift plays in hatchback class where the level of competition was tight. Suzuki Swift is the third-largest sale contributor to the company; therefore the decline in the sale became the problem that was serious enough for the company. This research had a purpose to prove whether true the decline in the sale happened and found the problem root that caused the occurrence declining sale for Suzuki Swift. After declining sale being carried out by authentication evidence, the excavation of the problem root carried out by using the qualitative method through deep interview, FGD (Focused Group Discussion) that afterwards spreading the questionnaire to get potential market perception or opinion. Expected from the spreading of the questionnaire, type of car in Hatchback class that interest potential customer most can be obtained, thus could be used as the reference for new product development. The spreading of the questionnaire was carried out in three areas, that is Jakarta, Bandung, and Central Java.The aim of the spreading of the questionnaire was to verify Suzuki Swift’s STP which can be use as the basis for product development, proposed program, and effective marketing activity for the company based on promoting and budgeting. In order to improving its sales, propose marketing program and new product development must be suggested.