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ABSTRAK Shofi Kirana
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

2021 TA PP SHOFI KIRANA 1.pdf)u
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

This study describes the determination of injection strategy with a 5-spot injection pattern optimally by performing intermittent steam flood injection to optimize Profitability Index (PI) and Steam Oil Ratio (SOR) through sensitivity study of several synthetic simulation cases. Steam flood is one of the EOR methods used to facilitate the removal of heavy oil by injecting steam into the reservoir. Steam injection optimization is closely related to temperature, steam quality, and injection model. Using the CMG STARS software, a synthetic field model of the steam flood project was created. Economic analysis plays an important role in determining the feasibility of applying this method. This study focuses on the results of the Recovery Factor (RF), Steam Oil Ratio, and Profitability Index in each case and determines the case that can produce the most optimum yield for 25 years of producing wells, starting from 2021 to 2046. Cases are determined from variations in time intervals when applying the method. intermittent. The intermittent method consists of "on mode" and "off mode". This is done to reduce the value of the Steam Oil Ratio and reduce operational costs. Thus, the intermittent method is the optimum method from an economic point of view. The reservoir model was built based on mostly Duri Field reservoir data. Other required data was collected from literature. A continuous steam flood injection scenario was set as the base case model. The simulation of the base case resulted in the RF, SOR, and PI of 21.32%, 2.08, and 1.604 respectively. Finding the optimal PI with determining the optimal time for the intermittent injection method to be applied by taking one case. From the simulation, it was found that the largest PI occurred when the intermittent injection method was applied in 2041. After obtaining the optimum starting time for intermittent heating or cooling, it is continued by simulating several other cases. The simulation results show that SOR and RF values between continuous steam flood (before optimization) and steam flood after optimization with intermittent injection are different. The Steam Flood that is injected intermittently for 2 weeks produces a slightly lower oil recovery factor and lower steam oil ratio. However, they have a higher profitability index than the continuous steam flood, which are 20.739%, 2.0, and 1.635 respectively.