digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

As production time increases, the reservoir pressure in a well decreases, which leads to the inability of the well to flow naturally and will affect the lifetime of the well. Therefore, an artificial lift method is required to help extend the lifetime of a well and improve production. This study analyzes the effect of pencil type gas lift on the performance of well X in Indonesia by integrating MBAL, PROSPER, and GAP software. There are four scenarios applied to get the most optimum results, including scenario #1 base case (Natural Flow), scenario #2 continuous gas lift, scenario #3 timing, and scenario #4 intermittent gas lift. In the gas lift scenario, the gas source to be used comes from the reservoir layer above which will be produced first to be separated from the CO2 content before being injected later. The results obtained show that well X can produce longer until 2027 than it was previously only able to produce for a year, from 2023 to 2024. In addition, the largest recovery factor is given by scenario #1 with 17.04%, followed by scenario #3, scenario #4, and scenario #2 with values of 14.87%, 14.45%, and 10.83%, respectively. This shows that the application of the pencil type gas lift method can have an impact on prolonging the production lifetime and potentially improving the production of well-X.