digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is now becoming important concern to an archipelagic country such as Indonesia. UAV doesn’t need a pilot to fly and can be used for many purposes such as surveillance, search and rescue, military operation, etc. In this final project, PT. UAVindo Nusantara CR-10 UAV was to be applied by an automatic flight control system. The UAV uses a twin panel vertical tail with double tail boom configuration. The control system uses Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Control System in longitudinal section those are Altitude Hold and Speed Hold systems. These systems preserve altitude and speed of the UAV against any outside disturbances in longitudinal axis. This final project mostly involves some software: DATCOM, was used to get stability derivatives coefficients, and MATLAB®, was used to get state space matrix and to design, simulate, and analyze the control system. PC-104 and some sensors are some hardware that involved in the deployment of the system. Before the implementation, the system was applied in Hardware In the Loop (HIL) simulation to ensure the performance of the control system. First of all, mathematical model was built to represent the aircraft’s motion based on linearized equations of motion. The process was then continued by finding stability and control derivatives of CR-10 UAV and analyzing its flight characteristic with variations of flight speed in cruise condition. Then, the next step was to design the UAV’s longitudinal flight control system based on MIL-F-8785C criteria which complies with the control design specifications of CR-10 UAV. Gain scheduling method was applied in designing the control systems. And the final process and also the most important process of this final project is to simulate the control systems in real time by using Hardware In the Loop (HIL) simulation. The HIL simulation uses xPC Target™ real time operating system that developed by The MathWorks, Inc. Before real deployment of the control systems that designed under Simulink® environment on the UAV, the HIL simulation plays important role to verify them.