Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) predicts that the global oil demand and
consumption will rise to 116 million barrels per day by 2045. It is also in line with Indonesia’s target to increase
the national production by 1 million BOPD of oil and 12 billion SCFD of natural gas in 2030. To meet the growing
demand for energy, the petroleum industry will be pushed to develop new techniques and improve current ones
that can increase the oil production rates from both conventional and unconventional reserves. CO2 foam injection
is recognized as a promising approach to increase oil production rates. The idea of injecting CO2 foam was
proposed to deal with the problems of early gas breakthrough and poor sweep efficiency occurred in the process
of pure CO2 injection. In the CO2 foam injection process, the presence of foam lamella reduces the gas mobility
so that the oil recovery process can significantly improve the displacement efficiency. The foam can stabilize the
oil displacement process by increasing the effective viscosity of the gas. This study performs a simulation study
by using CMG STARS for a reservoir model with a direct line drive pattern to evaluate several development
strategies for CO2 foam co-injection with foam properties sensitivity. After performing reservoir simulations for
15 years injection to identify the effect of CO2 foam co-injection compared to pure CO2 injection and watersurfactant injection, then doing sensitivity to identify the effect of foam properties with varying foam quality and
Mobility Reduction Factor, this simulation study reveals the following findings. First, adding foam into the CO2
EOR process can reduce the mobility of CO2 so the gravity override does not occur and slow down the gas
breakthrough occurrence. Then, it leads to the increase of displacement efficiency and cumulative oil production.
The CO2 foam co-injection also can reduce the water cut compared with the water-surfactant injection. Second,
increasing the foam quality can decrease the displacement efficiency and cumulative oil production but in the
other side slow down the gas breakthrough and reduce the water cut. Meanwhile, increasing the MRF can increase
the displacement efficiency and cumulative oil production as well as slow down the gas breakthrough. As a result,
the application of CO2 foam co-injection offers significant benefit and represents an innovative technique with
promising potential for enhancing oil recovery.