This study aims to investigate CO2 injection behavior in stratified reservoirs. The existence of high permeability
contrast and channeling causes early breakthroughs which lower oil recovery. Factors such as the degree of
heterogeneity, crossflow effect, gravity effect, and reservoir geometry may play an important role in the success
of CO2-EOR in stratified reservoirs. Thus, in this study, 4 different injection strategies is simulated using a
compositional simulator using a synthetic reservoir model. 2 injection strategies are defined as conventional
injection where the whole reservoir is perforated for both injectors and producers and the other 2 injection
strategies are defined as gravity-enhanced injection where the injector are perforated only on the top layers of
the reservoir and the producer is only perforated on the bottom layer of the reservoir, creating a diagonal like
flowplath between the injector and the producer. A 5-spot pattern is set up using generated permeabilities from
Carman-Kozeny equation and permeability are varied using random noise sampling to vary heterogeneity.
Crossflow effects and reservoir geometry is also varied to observe its impact on recovery and sweep efficiency.