2007 TS PP MERYLIA 1-BAB1.pdf
2007 TS PP MERYLIA 1-BAB2.pdf
2007 TS PP MERYLIA 1-BAB3.pdf
2007 TS PP MERYLIA 1-BAB4.pdf
2007 TS PP MERYLIA 1-BAB5.pdf
Water is essential for human living. In line with the rapid growth of world population and the increasing of social economic living, the use of water for various sectors is increasing every year. Meanwhile, the availability of worlds water remains constant or tends to decline due to the change of land use and climate. The physical problems related to water resources are increasing as well as the water institutional problems. These conditions have far reaching consequences to socio-economic and environment. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as described by Global Water Partnership in 2000 is deemed reasonable as the approach in solving the water problems, since it introduces the holistic approach requiring the integration of institution, law and regulation, coordination, investment and financial resources based on participation among water users, planners and decision makers. This study will analyze the water issues and the implementation of IWRM in Indonesia. Taking the experience of Malaysia and Tanzania in implementing IWRM into their national policies confirms that the implementation of IWRM needs the reform of institutional arrangements and legal structures. It is worthwhile for this study in order to seize valuable lessons for water resources management practice in Indonesia. The analysis is stem from the three key elements to implement IWRM, which are enabling environment, institutional roles, and management instruments. The analysis is organized into six points: (1) national water policies reflects the concept of IWRM; (2) water law incorporates the principles of IWRM; (3) organizations are in place at policy level for IWRM; (4) organizations are in place at implementation level for IWRM; (5) capacity building delivery systems for IWRM; (6) and other aspects of IWRM implementation. By assessing the status on the implementation of IWRM in Indonesia from its policy and law, organizations, capacity building and other aspects of implementation, the Law Number 7 Year 2004 concerning Water Resources accommodates the principles of IWRM referred to the Dublin Principle. However, consensus and coordination among stakeholders, participation and support, and capacity building must be strengthened regarding to support the law enforcement and to achieve water governance. The result of this analysis is used to identify some strategic recommendations that will contribute to improved water resources management in Indonesia.