digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

The maturity of oil fields in Indonesia presents a significant challenge, with a considerable portion of the country's oil production now stemming from mature fields. These fields, which once contributed significantly to the nation's oil production, are now experiencing a steep decline in production. The proven reserves have notably decreased from 5.1 billion barrels in 2000 to 2.4 billion barrels in 2020, highlighting the urgency for effective intervention. To address the production decline, advanced recovery techniques and reservoir management practices are being prioritized, focusing on optimizing well performance, particularly under Absolute Open Flow (AOF) conditions. This study investigates the impact of skin factor on well performance in three-phase flow conditions through the Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR). It aims to develop a comprehensive model that accounts for the influence of skin factor on AOF, utilizing established equations for two-phase and three-phase flow conditions. The methodology involves reservoir modeling, data validation, IPR simulation, and sensitivity analysis, employing simulation software for accurate simulation and Ms. Excel for sensitivity analysis. The study successfully derived equations for predicting AOF based on skin factor adjustments, validated across different permeability values. These equations provide a reliable tool for enhancing oil recovery in mature fields, offering practical insights for well remediation strategies. The findings contribute to the broader effort of sustaining Indonesia’s oil production amidst the challenges posed by field maturity.