digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Drilling on the inclination well deals with friction that affects the motion of the drill string, either axial movement, which is the drag force or rotational movement, which is torque. In critical situations, friction could lead to dramatic resisting force and limit the advancement of drilling operations, generally leading to buckling of the drill string. The factor causing friction on the torque and drag occuring in the well is the contact force of various shape components in long strings along the wellbore. The term used to describe the magnitude of friction is the friction factor. The friction factor is a widely accepted term in drilling industry and is usually applied as a multiplying factor for torque and drag estimation. The prediction of the friction factor in this study uses data was taken from Well “x - 03” in the Field “Y”. Actual data obtained from the field will be used for the calibration process to determine the actual value of the friction factor using software. The calibration results of the actual friction factor value will be used to determine the maximum value for weight on bit to prevent buckling. The actual value can be used as refrence for subsequent drilling operation. During drilling operation, friction forces were monitored, tracked, and compared with the actual calibrated friction factor values that have been determined. Determination of the actual friction factor value will help in the drilling operation process.