digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (CEOR) is an EOR method which aims to increase oil production. The chemicals used for the EOR process are alkaline, surfactant, and polymer. However, this study will only discuss surfactant, polymer, and surfactant-polymer injection. CMG STARS and TNavigator are the simulators that will be used in this study and provide alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) injection features. There are several keywords or fluid properties that need to be defined to support ASP injection, such as adsorption data, IFT reduction data, viscosity change, relative permeability end point change, as well as several other additional features. The study began by carrying out natural depletion and waterflood simulations on both simulators with the aim of obtaining a similar model so that it could be used to compare the process and results of ASP injection simulations. After that, a model set was carried out for the ASP injection process in both simulators. There are several features that must be added to a simulator and there are also features that are not found in a simulator. Several simulation results were compared between the 2 simulators, such as residual oil saturation (SOR), viscosity distribution, capillary number distribution, cumulative oil, and oil recovery.