digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Waterflooding is a technique commonly used in the oil and gas industry to enhance reservoir recovery in oil and gas industry. To maximize the benefits of waterflooding, efficient reservoir management is crucial. This involves taking prompt measures to optimize how fluids are distributed throughout the reservoir. The goal is to enhance both the areal and vertical sweep efficiency during this secondary recovery process. In a waterflood operation, injection and production rates are typically the most accessible data. In this paper is discussed a method known as the Capacitance Model (CM) Segmented that capable to give a rapid evaluation of waterflood performance with unmeasured fluctuating BHPs using historical injection and production data since waterflood applied in a field without complex and time-consuming reservoir simulations. Liquid production rate history, BHP history, and injection rate history data will be used to determine the connectivity, coefficient, and time constant parameters in the CM Segmented equation by using SLSQP in Python sci-kit learn library. The fractional flow equation developed by Gentil (2005) is employed to predict the maximum oil production by optimizing the distribution of water injection rates. The result shows that the method is able to predict and successfully optimize oil produced by reallocating water injection rate.