digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Abstrak -Bryan Irawan [13119256]
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

A bidirectional tunnel of 490 metres and 510 metres long is subject to analysis and was found having inadequate fire mitigation systems. Therefore, it was decided for the tunnel to have its fire mitigation mechanical installations redesigned. The tunnel must be capable of handling a thermal load of 13 MW up to 100 MW. The standards that will be used in redesigning the system would be NFPA and AHJ: SNI. The main mechanical installations that would be redesigned are fixed water based fire fighting systems (FFFS), ventilation, and fire extinguishers. By NFPA standards this tunnel is a category C tunnel, and the fire extinguishers allowable are levels 2A or 20B/C. The fire hydrant systems shall be replaced by sprinklers which follow NFPA 13 and AHJ: SNI 03 3989-2000. Ventilation shall be designed to prevent back layering. The objective of this project is to redesign mechanical installations so that it adheres to the referred standards, creating an optimal functioning mechanical system. The writer shall undertake evaluation of the system through calculations and simulations to determine appropriate improvements to the current system.