digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Since the onset of the industrial revolution in the early 1800s, extensive industrial development has profoundly affected the environment. The rapid global industrial expansion has resulted in a steep rise in energy demands and production, leading to uncontrolled emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), especially CO2. Therefore, CCUS plays a crucial role in reducing and managing CO2 emissions, particularly from the oil and gas sectors. A gas producer well, G-1, has reached the end of its production phase and is now being proposed for conversion into an injection well for Carbon, Capture, Utilized and Storage (CCUS). Before implementing the proposed design, a comprehensive analysis of the existing production tubing will be conducted to evaluate its suitability for injection. This assessment will include considerations such as operational load capacity, material compatibility, and the necessity of a tubing change to ensure safety the well is optimized for injection operations. The analysis results for tubing sizes of 2 7/8” and 3 1/2" have successfully achieved supercritical CO2 injection with rates up to 20 MMSCFD, based on tubing stress analysis. Material selection was driven by the corrosion effects of CO2 reaction with inhibitor components, particularly in the presence of condensed water, resulting in a corrosion rate of 17.48 mm/year without erosion damage. Chromium candidates were considered, with Super 13Cr identified as the minimum suitable material for the injection environment.