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Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

The oil and gas industry are a major source of global CO? emissions, making Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies essential for mitigating climate change. CCUS reduces emissions from fossil fuel activities, aiding in meeting international climate targets like the Paris Agreement. Indonesia's geological suitability and supportive regulations, including MEMR Regulation No. 2/2023 and Presidential Decree No. 14/2024, position it well for CCUS implementation. The country aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 29% by 2030. Ensuring the long-term integrity of CO? storage formations is critical for the success and trust in CCUS projects, therefore a study on CO2 trapping is needed in a potential CO2 storage site. This study evaluates two CO? injection methods—continuous CO? flooding and water-alternating-CO? (WACO?)—in the “B” structure of Indonesia's “S” Field to determine their efficacy in CO? trapping and oil recovery. Indonesia, leveraging its sedimentary basins and supportive regulations, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 29% by 2030 through Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies. The study's objectives were to compare CO? plume dynamics, analyze CO? trapping efficiency, and identify the most effective injection method for both optimal CO? storage and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Using the CMG GEMTM Builder software, a reservoir dynamic model was constructed for simulations extending over a 116-year period. Sensitivity studies varied key parameters such as the water/CO? ratio and cycle duration, maintaining a constant total CO? injection of 6.38 kilotons over a 16-year production period, followed by a 100-year monitoring period. The primary focus was on the amount of mobile CO?, CO? trapped in capillary (residual) trapping, solubility trapping, and overall CO? plume characteristics. The results indicated that WACO? significantly improved CO? trapping efficiency compared to continuous CO? injection. In the best-case scenario (WACO? with a 1:1 ratio and 12-month cycle duration), CO? was more securely trapped, with a higher proportion in solubility and residual trapping. Continuous CO? injection resulted in higher CO? mobility and greater risk of breakthrough, evidenced by the higher CO? production rates and gas mass. The study further explored the effects of varying WACO? ratios and cycle durations on CO? trapping mechanisms. Optimal WACO? ratios enhanced CO? dissolution in water and reduced mobility, while the 12-month cycle duration provided a balanced approach for effective CO? distribution and trapping. The results showed that overly frequent cycles (6 months) or overly extended cycles (24 months) were less effective due to inadequate pressure management and increased CO? mobility. The field development scenario simulations, considering various injection methods and design parameters, demonstrated that WACO? outperformed continuous CO? injection in containing CO? within the reservoir. The optimal WACO? method also minimized vertical CO? migration, reducing leakage risks and enhancing storage security. In conclusion, the WACO? method was found to be superior in controlling the CO? plume, maximizing CO? trapping efficiency, and improving oil recovery. The findings support the adoption of WACO? for CCUS projects in similar geological settings, contributing to Indonesia’s emissions reduction targets and global climate commitments. The study underscores the importance of tailored injection strategies to accommodate reservoir heterogeneity and optimize both CO? storage and EOR outcomes.