digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

To achieve the target of 1 million bopd by 2030, significant efforts must be made in developing oil and gas fields. One effective method is hydraulic fracturing treatment in low to moderate permeability zones to boost production. Optimal production with Hydraulic Fracturing treatment requires precise geometry design and appropriate fracturing timing. This study examines the impact of fracturing timing and fracture half-length on oil production enhancement. This study uses tNavigator to simulate Hydraulic Fracturing in the reservoir. Before conducting sensitivity analysis, wells were selected based on permeability, oil saturation, water cut, and net pay parameters. Timing sensitivity analysis was then performed, considering two timing cases: at the start of production and in the middle of the production period. The best timing, determined by the highest incremental oil production, will be used as the base case for fracture half-length sensitivity analysis. The fracture half lengths analyzed range from 100 to 400 ft. The case definitions are as follows: Case 1 - fracturing at the start with a half-length of 300 ft, Case 2 - fracturing in the middle with a half-length of 300 ft, Case 3 - fracturing at the start with a half-length of 100 ft, Case 4 - fracturing at the start with a half-length of 200 ft, and Case 5 - fracturing at the start with a half-length of 400 ft. Simulation results indicate incremental oil production of 2.19, 0.03, 2.08, 2.19, and 2.23 MMstb for Cases 1 through 5, respectively. Similarly, the incremental gas production for these cases are 2.62, 0.00002, 2.31, 2.6, and 2.7 Bscf, respectively. These findings demonstrate that hydraulic fracturing is more effective when performed at the start of the production period rather than in the middle. Furthermore, the result suggests that longer fracture half lengths result in greater production increases. This underscores the importance of optimizing both the timing and design of fracturing treatments to maximize production efficiency. The novelty of this study is to understand the impact of fracture timing and fracture half-length on production increase.