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Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Indonesia's oil production has been declining yearly, while consumption remains high, posing a significant challenge to the country's energy needs. According to the press release by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in January 2024, national oil and condensate production reached 605.5 thousand barrels of oil per day (bopd) in 2023, a 1.2% decrease compared to 612.7, while CO? emissions have risen by 15% from 2017 to 2021, exacerbating climate change concerns. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technology, particularly CO?-enhanced oil recovery (EOR), offers a dual solution by increasing oil recovery and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Implementing CCUS and EOR aligns with Indonesia's goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2060. On a global scale, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reports a 1.1% increase in CO? emissions from 2022 to 2023, underscoring the urgent need to address climate change as mandated by the Paris Agreement. For this simulation, the dynamic reservoir model was developed using CMG GEMTM Builder Software to identify the effect of operational parameters and propose the most optimum scenario for the "B" Structure and "S" Field reservoir. The sensitivity and comparison study involves forecasting production and trapping mechanism scenarios over 15 years, starting on January 1, 2021. The study evaluates the impact of Acetone solvent on the CO?-Acetone trapping mechanism, building on previous research that primarily examined Acetone's effects on reducing minimum miscibility pressure and enhancing recovery factor. As observed in previous studies, the injection composition of 89% CO? and 11% Acetone is determined based on its ability to optimize miscibility pressure reduction. Results highlight how the Land coefficient and rock type wettability influence CO? trapping mechanisms, comparing continuous CO?-Acetone injection with Water Alternating Gas (WAG) CO?-Acetone injection. The study optimizes the WAG ratio at 0.5 for the "S" Field, demonstrating Acetone's significant impact on residual and solubility trapping during the EOR process, with initial strong performance in residual trapping. However, the residual trapping for the case of adding acetone after the EOR process decreases compared to residual trapping due to pure CO? injection. This occurs because acetone is better at dissolved, especially in oil. This also affects solubility trapping, which is not very significant in the case of acetone addition. Nevertheless, structural trapping with the injection case mixed with acetone shows the best performance in all phases. Overall, CO? storage efficiency with CO?+Acetone injection outperforms pure CO? injection. Analysis across various wettability ranges indicated a minimal Land coefficient impact on CO? storage in reservoirs, with consistent trapping efficiencies across different rock types. Over a 30-year monitoring period, simulations using a single Land coefficient revealed structural trapping at 49.61%, residual trapping at 5.92%, and solubility trapping at 44.47%. In contrast, with Land coefficient variations, structural trapping was 49.63%, residual trapping was 5.80%, and solubility trapping was 44.57%. Although residual trapping decreased by only 0.12% with the variations, it underscored the influence of rock-type wettability on reservoir trapping mechanisms. Further development involves evaluating WAG and Continuous Gas Injection parameters, including cycle numbers, WAG ratios, and gas slug sizes, optimizing for co-optimized oil recovery and storage efficiency. Results indicate a 1.8% increase in oil recovery factor with WAG compared to continuous injection. WAG CO?+Acetone injection shows substantial improvements over continuous injection, with final trapping mechanism distributions showing structural trapping at 46.83%, residual trapping at 7.40%, and solubility trapping at 45.78% after 30 years, compared to continuous injection at 49.61% structural trapping, 5.92% residual trapping, and 44.47% solubility trapping. This underscores the efficacy of WAG injection in enhancing CO? trapping mechanisms in reservoirs.