digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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Oil production in a field will decline due to decreasing reservoir pressure. This occurs because oil is continuously produced and cannot be naturally replaced quickly, causing the pressure to drop. To address the decline in production, a method is required to increase oil production, which is the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) method. The use of CO2 to enhance oil recovery can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Because it is injected into mature reservoirs, it can increase oil recovery. However, before implementing this method, screening must be carried out first according to the field conditions. In implementing CO2 injection, it is usually done on a pilot (well) scale, and then it will be developed for a field scale to optimize oil production in a field. In this research, we can identify the parameters that influence the design of CO2 injection into a well, such as injection pressure, injection volume, and the presence of light components co-injected with CO2. A reservoir simulation can be performed to determine the influence of CO2 on oil production. The research results obtained using tNavigator show that injection pressure, injection volume, and the mixing of CO2 with light components can affect oil recovery. The study's findings reveal that injection pressure is the critical parameter influencing oil recovery in continuous CO2 injection. An optimal design, yielding a recovery factor of 47.96 MMSTB, was achieved with an injection pressure of 3800 psi and a CO2 volume of 3000 tons for 30 days. The research also highlights the significance of considering fracture pressure as a safety factor and explores the potential benefits of adding light components to the injected CO2. Inter-well monitoring was conducted to track CO2 movement within the reservoir, further optimizing the oil recovery process.