digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Hydraulic fracturing stimulation is commonly used in oil and gas extraction to enhance the flow of hydrocarbons from a well. This method is valuable implemented in a low to even high permeability reservoir. The stimulation is carried out in an oil field in Indonesia, Abis Field, with a candidate well has been selected to be Well Susanto. The objectives of this study are to estimate the quality of reservoir before stimulation, design optimum fracture geometry, and determine the increase in well productivity post-fracturing job. First, well log interpretation is required for geomechanic data such as closure stress. Then, the permeability of the pay zone in the Talang Akar Formation that has been obtained through well test data is reconfirmed using a Step Rate Test (SRT). This step is essential for the efficient fracture design that is made. After that, several proppants and fluids type are selected to make 4 scenarios that are simulated using a 3D modelling software. Through the software, the optimum fracture geometry such as fracture half-length, height, and width are generated. The best scenario is attained based on the largest value from the comparison of Folds of Increase (FOI).