digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

In response to Indonesia's ambitious net-zero emissions target by 2060 and the increasing energy demand, this study evaluates the potential of a CCS/CCUS hub in West Java, focusing on optimizing network design and assessing economic viability. As CO2 emissions from coal-powered plants rise and the shift towards cleaner energy becomes more critical, implementing CCS/CCUS technology appears imperative. This research aims to mitigate high transportation costs from emission sources to storage sites by optimizing transportation networks. Employing Dijkstra's algorithm, MILP, and economic analysis, the study identifies cost-effective transportation routes for CO2 to Jatibarang and Tambun storage sites while innovating by clustering emission sources for efficient infrastructure development. Sensitivity analysis examines various parameters' impact on CO2 injection rates, providing insights for CCS/CCUS hub scalability and strategic planning. However, findings reveal that current carbon pricing and market mechanisms fall short of providing necessary financial incentives for CCS/CCUS hubs, with uncertainties in CO2 injection rates and costs complicating economic evaluations. The study underlines the need for robust policy support, including incentives for carbon capture, an aggressive carbon pricing scheme, regulatory support, international cooperation, and technological advancements to offset costs and enhance economic viability. Despite challenges, the CCS/CCUS hub in West Java shows promise in contributing to Indonesia's net-zero emission goals, contingent on significant advancements in policy and technology.