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Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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Hydraulic fracturing is one of the effective methods of well stimulation that is widely used to enhance hydrocarbon production for wells experiencing a decline in production and having unconventional potential reserves that is unattainable through other stimulation methods. The purpose of a hydraulic treatment is to increase the productivity of a well. “X-3” oil well, located in Field “X” which is a mature oil field, is a candidate for hydraulic fracturing treatment due to its low productivity and reserves within a tight sand reservoir in TAF-1 formation which consists of low permeability shale-sand layers. This study aims to create a relevant interpretation of the targeted formation through geomechanics interpretation and design an optimum hydraulic fracture treatment based on the formation model. Geomechanics interpretation is conducted by analyzing a set well logging data to calculate elastic properties which is an important parameter of rock mechanics. Empirical approaches are used to create a permeability prediction model due to lack of data from core sample. The selection of fracturing fluid and proppant is based on existing guidelines that is adjusted to the case. The design of fracture geometry and treatment is based on the calculation of Unified Fracture Design which is set as an ideal reference for optimum geometry. A simulated approach using commercial fracturing software is conducted to generate a near-actual fracture model based on the calculated optimum geometry. The resulting accepted fracture geometry is analyzed to identify the increase of productivity through Folds of Increase determination and a 1-year production forecast.