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Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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The increasing significance of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) from mature fields is driven by the world's growing energy demand and the depletion of existing reserves. Chemical EOR, particularly polymer flooding, may require fewer resources to implement than other EOR techniques, as most oil fields have already initiated waterflooding for secondary recovery. Polymer flooding has shown promising results in recovering viscous oils and enhancing offshore field operations. Given its mature state, the E-Segment of the Norne Field is a suitable candidate for tertiary recovery using polymer flooding. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the effects of polymer flooding on oil recovery through reservoir simulation, focusing on two key sensitivities: injection rate and injected pore volume (PV), accompanied by an economic analysis. Encouraged by the promising findings of polymer flooding, this study simulates different scenarios to assess their impact. Five different cases were investigated in this study. The results indicate that polymer flooding can increase oil recovery by up to 8%. Furthermore, the economic analysis suggests that polymer flooding in the Norne Field’s E-Segment is a cost-effective and feasible option for field development.