digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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Inflow Control Devices (ICD) are utilized in horizontal wells to equalize inflow distribution by managing pressure drops across zones of varying permeability. These devices address production challenges such as the heel-to-toe effect, which can lead to uneven fluid distribution and early breakthrough of water or gas. Conversely, water injection is a common method in reservoir management aimed at maintaining pressure, enhancing oil recovery, and preventing viscosity increase. This study investigates the performance of the “Z-13” production well with the installation of Inflow Control Devices (ICD) in the horizontal water injection well ("Z-13 INJ"). The research evaluates various scenarios of Inflow Control Devices (ICD) placement based on water saturation levels. Using PETREL and tNavigator software, sensitivity analyses were conducted and the results indicate that optimal performance in the production well, "Z-13," is achieved when three Inflow Control Devices (ICD) are strategically placed in zones with high water saturation, maximizing total oil production while minimizing water breakthrough effects. However, the presence of Inflow Control Devices (ICD) in the water injection well indicated early water breakthrough and water bypassing, as none of the results exceeded the base case. These findings underscore the role of Inflow Control Devices (ICD) in enhancing the efficiency of water injection operations. Future research should explore alternative injection methods and revisit injection-production well spacing considerations to further optimize oil recovery efficiency.