digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Field X injects back produce water into the formation through 20 water injection wells. Continuous water injection can cause formation damage that decreases the injectivity of well. In addition, as production continues, production of water will also increase, thereby requiring extra injection capacity. Issues in the injection well network can also be caused by problems in the pipeline network. This study aims to analyze strategies to increase the water injection capacity in Field X by involving integrated evaluation of surface and subsurface aspects secara terpadu. Surface evaluation is carried out by analyzing the pressure drop in the pipeline network to identify bottlenecks. While subsurface evaluation will analyze the performance of the injection well to identify wells that need to be stimulated. Pressure drop analysis in pipeline networks identified suspected bottlenecks in 8 sections of pipe. Meanwhile, evaluation of water injection performance using the Hall Plot and Derivative Hall Plot indicates 12 wells have impairments that are appropriate for stimulation. The most optimal result of 73573 BWIPD was achieved when stimulation was carried out and the maximum result of 74924 BWIPD was achieved when combining stimulation and pipeline replacement. In this case, stimulation by acidizing is the most optimal method to increase the air injection capacity significantly.