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Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Improving hydrocarbon recovery in the oil and gas industry faced significant challenges. This study explores development scenarios for Field X Jambi using waterflooding, infill drilling, and hydraulic fracturing. Waterflooding displaces trapped oil towards production wells. Infill drilling increases reservoir contact through additional wells, particularly in areas with heterogeneous permeability. Hydraulic fracturing enhances reservoir permeability by creating fractures with high-pressure fluid. Advanced reservoir simulation and optimization methods were employed to determine the best strategy for maximizing oil recovery and economic performance, providing valuable insights for optimizing recovery methods under varying reservoir conditions. The results showed that for waterflooding, converting two non-optimal production wells into injection wells was the most effective, as other cases did not significantly improve cumulative oil recovery. For infill drilling, the optimal wells were ID-005 and ID-001 with three existing wells plus one infill well yielding 4.116 MMSTB and three existing wells plus two infill wells yielding 4.297 MMSTB from 3.7921 MMSTB. Hydraulic fracturing increased the oil rate at XPN-219 from 87 STBD to 111 STBD and cumulative oil from 0.42111 MMSTB to 0.45923 MMSTB, resulting in a field-scale cumulative oil recovery of 3.823 MMSTB. Consequently, the infill drilling scenario was selected as the most effective for maximizing cumulative oil recovery.To optimize this approach further, it is recommended to evaluate the location of infill wells to avoid interference with existing wells, adjust liquid rate and bottom hole pressure (BHP) in the infill drilling scenario, and conduct comprehensive economic and risk analyses to ensure financial feasibility and mitigate potential risks.