digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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MEOR (Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery) is a tertiary alternative technique for oil recovery in which the target oil is residual oil that is trapped in the pore and cannot be recovered using conventional methods. Utilizing the activity of microorganisms, this approach enhances hydrocarbon recovery. This microbial activity can generate a variety of bioproducts, including biosurfactants, biosurfactants, solvents, gases, and biopolymers, which are anticipated to enhance hydrocarbon recovery. This study examines the increase in oil recovery through imbibition experiments following the optimal nutrient formula treatment in brine to promote Indigenous microbial growth. It commenced with the optimal nutrient treatment in brine, the saturation of Berea cores with oil, and the imbibition of brine before and after the nutrient formulation treatment. The purpose of this method scheme was to demonstrate the optimal nutrient injection for Fields X and Y, which was tested in TM-X and TM-Y wells. The effect of soaking time on the increase in hydrocarbon recovery from 30% to 62% in the TM-X well and 31% to 58% in the TM-Y well is the limiting parameter in this study. Soaking duration in MEOR is adjusted to the microbial growth rate as determined by secondary data. Nevertheless, in-field implementation may result in a limited amount of soaking time, necessitating an immediate resumption of production to prevent any losses. The optimal immersion time was determined to be four days in the TM-X well and one day in the TM-Y well, as indicated by the imbibition results. The findings of this investigation indicate that MEOR has the potential to decrease IFT (Interfacial Tension) and viscosity, thereby enhancing oil recovery.