digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Suharsiyah

Complex human activities have an impact on CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. One effective method for reducing CO2 concentrations is through CO2 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). In the oil and gas industry, CO2 is injected into reservoirs to be stored and used to increase hydrocarbon production. CO2 sequestration into a gas reservoir can be used as a method for increasing gas recovery (CS-EGR) because CO2 is able to displace gas in the reservoir and gas reservoirs have advantages in terms of storage capacity due to gas compressibility. In this study, sensitivity analysis was carried out on the parameters of CO2 injection rate and injection time to determine the effect on hydrocarbon gas production plateau, gas recovery factor, and stored CO2. The simulation results show that the higher the CO2 injection rate, the shorter the duration of production plateau, compared to without CO2 injection. The study also shows that early injections or late can have positive and negative impacts, depending on the rate of injection. Although it is not able to extend the duration of production plateau, the application of CS-EGR can increase the hydrocarbon gas ultimate recovery factor by around 3-5%. Injected CO2 has also been shown to be stored in several types of trapping mechanisms in reservoirs. The injection rate and injection time have also been proven to be able to maximize CO2 trapping mechanisms such as residual trapping and good solubility trapping. This research discusses the CO2 injection rate and injection time on gas production and CO2 storage.