digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Suharsiyah

This study focuses on designing an intermittent gas lift system on Well X for YY-76 layer that consists of heavy oil with the gas supply from YY-51 layer in one well system and conducting sensitivity analysis of the liquid behaviors and overall production incremental. From the collected data, the study approach will be based on two types of modelling, which are steady-state and dynamic transient modelling. Gas rates and opening time of the injection will be the main variables to be varied during the sensitivity study. Intermittent gas lift system from steady-state modelling is going to be the basis of the input for the design in dynamic transient modelling with gas supply ranges from 49 mscf/day to 107 mscf/day. The opening time varies from one day, two days, and three days to determine the OCT (Optimum Cycle Time). This study obtained the optimum result from the highest gas rate input (107 mscf/day) with two days of opening time during six days of simulation. This number indicates the gas slug from the gas injection has succeeded in pushing the reservoir liquid upward to the surface which is also supported by the slug flow that dominated the flow pattern. The other cases have not yet given a significant increase in production due to one of the crucial factors which is the slippage effect in gas and oil multiphase flow. This is proven by the gas that is detected in the wellhead component but there is no liquid incremental gained. Hence, this study is aimed at delivering option and results of enhancing the productivity of Well X with intermittent gas lift system for the future time.