digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Suharsiyah

This study evaluates the selection of candidate workover injectors in the XY area of the Z field that uses steam flooding as the main enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method. The selection of candidates for workover injectors is frequently not accurate, which can lead to a reduction in the production target quantity. This study implements a comprehensive methodology that encompasses an assessment of the heating process, which encompasses a review of the pressure, temperature, and spinner (PTS) survey, a review of steamflood reservoir surveillance for the analysis of temperature observation wells (TOW) surveys, and a review of the drainage evaluation aspect of the pump setting depth (PSD) of the producer well cover depth, which targets the remaining oil and ensures that the fluid level at the injector is clear. Additionally, this study proposes a modified flow process for the injector work-over candidate to improve steam flooding operations in the xy area and optimize the workover. As a result, from determining workover injector candidates using a modified workflow process, only one out of six well injector candidates met the success criteria in the screening parameter. Implementing this strategy is expected to significantly improve the current workflow so that the candidate workover injector is as expected. Further research and implementation are needed to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of these recommendations in field operations.