digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic illness with one of the risk factors being age over 45 years. As diabetes is an incurable disease and can lead to life-threatening complica-ons, preven-on is vital. One way is to increase knowledge and perception of diabetes in the general popula-on. This study aims to iden-fy the knowledge level of people aged 45 or older and their percep-on of diabetes. A cross-sec-onal, prospec-ve method was used for this study and primary data was collected from 300 respondents through a ques-onnaire comprised of the Diabetes Knowledge Ques-onnaire (DKQ-24) and the diabe-c Health Belief Model (HBM) or the Brief Illness Percep-on Ques-onnaire (B-IPQ) for non-DM and DM respondents respec-vely. Descrip-ve and inferen-al sta-s-cal analysis was conducted in this study. Results showed that respondents tend to have a lack of knowledge on diabetes (61.67%, n = 300). Demographic characteris-cs that have an effect on the level of knowledge are educa-on level, monthly income, ownership of health insurance, diagnosis of nondiabetes chronic illness, and family history of diabetes (p < 0.05). Furthermore, results showed that respondents show a slight inclina-on to have a posi-ve percep-on toward diabetes (52%). Demographic characteris-cs that affect the percep-on of non-DM respondents are educa-on level, monthly income, ownership of health insurance, family history of diabetes, and BMI or obesity (p < 0.05). Associa-on analysis between knowledge level and percep-on showed a significantly strong correla-on (p = 0.001, Cramer’s V > 0.25). To conclude, individuals in Bandung City aged 45 and older showed a lack of knowledge yet a posi-ve percep-on toward diabetes, and there is a strong correla-on between knowledge and perception Keywords: diabetes mellitus, age risk factor, knowledge, perception