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13519027 Haikal Lazuardi Fadil.pdf
Terbatas  Dessy Rondang Monaomi
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Even though technology in fish farming in Indonesia is still needs to improve, today's technological advances have made Indonesians use smartphones. Current technological advances have enabled us to measure water quality more modernly. The thing that needs attention is the application design that is suitable for managing water quality in red tilapia ponds. This final project aims to develop an appropriate interface for red tilapia aquaculture management system applications on the Android and iOS platforms. This application was created using a user-centered design interaction design approach with usability goals good utility, and user experience goals helpful. The usability testing results show that the specified usability and user experience goals are achieved. In addition, the results of the user acceptance testing conducted showed that the five participants completed 46 of the 46 existing test cases. This indicates that the application is feasible and can be accepted by fish farmers.